the secure PHP framework


cms login works for one page after updating to new

4 october 2016, 02:15
I hesitate to post here sometimes because my lack of knowledge may cause me to bother the developer for stupid stuff. Hopefully this won't be a stupid question and this will be a useful post.

This isn't a new phenomenon but when I slide in a new instance of Banshee in ../var/www/banshee with ../var/www/(new)banshee, get it connecting to the database properly and otherwise get the website working, the cms has a different behavior when logging in.

I log in correctly as an administrator in the new instance of Banshee and get to "Website administration" page. Upon clicking any icon, I am taken to the login page again to view the page I want to get to. I can only go one page at a time before Banshee requires me to login again. After sliding the original Banshee back, the login works like it is supposed to and I can navigate without being required to login again.
Hugo Leisink
20 october 2016, 11:39
Did you also import the new database? (the file database/mysql.sql)
8 november 2016, 02:55
I lack understanding on how the database connections work. I didn't want to change the database because I reasoned that was where all the info about pages, menus, etc was stored.

I switched to the new database that came with 5.4 but of course all of my database info I worked on was gone and the starter Banshee PHP website appeared. This did not change the login behavior.

After I put the original database back, I tried to import the new database inside the original I had worked on. I did that wrong because the meshed database was now the banshee starter database. I did my backups wrong so that didn't work. The login behavior remains the same.

I will have to read all about mysql and how it relates to websites and start over. Not much loss except static pages I can copy over and the menus. Was trying to learn how to do dropdowns in bootstrap but haven't figured that out yet.

Trying to tackle too much at once.
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