the secure PHP framework


mail server

23 january 2017, 17:31
Hi Hugo.

I remember you stating somewhere about an easy to use mail server that you installed and configured in about an hour but I can't remember where I read it and couldn't find it again in a search. Would you mind stating that info again or linking to it. Thanks.
24 january 2017, 15:12
Suggestion: you can have a look at < Dovecot > mail server.
I use it, pro, opensource, etc.
24 january 2017, 18:03
Actually Dovecot is useless if he was talking of an easy MTA
Personally I use Exim + Courier if i want something to set up quick, and Exim + Dovecot for something more versatile and better in the long run.
Hugo Leisink
25 january 2017, 20:25
I use Postfix and used online documentation to set it up quickly. I don't remember when or where I said that.
26 january 2017, 18:57
Maybe that's why I had trouble finding it again?
Postfix happens to be the only that is in my distro's package manager but it coughed because of a couple of missing libs after I downloaded and installed it.

Thanks for the info, guys.
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