the secure PHP framework


Agenda DateTime

28 october 2018, 00:30
I've been trying to incorporate times into events so rather than listing the event as begin: 2018-10-27 end: 2018-10-27 I would like to have something like 2018-10-27 19:30-21:00.

I have tried to figure out how to do DateTime into an event and have successfully gotten event times to appear as so which is fine: 08:15 - 09:45 AM | Sat Oct 27, 2018 The problem is I have to go into phpmyadmin to add/change events because going through the banshee cms gives me errors because I am doing something wrong. I have tried unsuccessfully to incorporate datetime into the agenda controller, model, and view but I get different errors.

Am I on the right track trying to do this with datetime?
Hugo Leisink
31 october 2018, 08:50
A datetime field should work fine. You just need to change the agenda module (both user and CMS part) in such way that it can handle those fields. Now, it only handles the date part, not the time.
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