the secure PHP framework


Internal reroute when posting a form

Joe Schmoe
11 january 2019, 05:08
The internal reroute option doesn't work when posting form data on the splitform demo.

I setup a reroute for /myform -> /demos/splitform

The initial page shows the url as "/myform", but when you click next, it will show the url as "/demos/splitform" again.

I verified demos/contact and demos/tablemanager don't work either but this probably affects all internal reroutes for pages that have a form.

Also, I looked at the $_page object and it doesn't appear to store the original url which would be helpful to have.
Hugo Leisink
11 january 2019, 16:29
It works as intended. It's a reroute option, not an page-alias option.
Joe Schmoe
11 january 2019, 17:56
Ah, good to know. Thanks.
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