the secure PHP framework


CkEditor 5

20 march 2022, 06:44
I don't know how closely this forum is watched but I figured I would post something besides spam The way the new CkEditor works where it automatically loads when in cms pages made it impossible for me to paste code without it disappearing on exit so I could not get the page the way I wanted it. To get it to work, I had to rename the ../js/ckeditor_start.js file so I could embed the source code than save the page. After that, I switched it back to the original name.

I also used the app to make text bigger for a page which worked fine. When I tried to switch it back to the original size, it did not work so I had to click on "source" and delete all instances of size=big (I don't remember what it was exactly) in every paragraph.
Message preview

The following BB-codes are available in a message:

  • [b]Bold text[/b]
  • [center]Center text or imagen[/center]
  • [color=color name or #RGB code]Colored text[/color]
  • [i]Italic text[/i]
  • [img]Link to image[/img]
  • [right]Align text or image right[/right]
  • [s]Strike-through text[/s]
  • [size=pixelsize]Big or small text[/size]
  • [u]Underlined text[/u]
  • [url]Link to website[/url]
  • [url=link to website]Link text[/url]