the secure PHP framework



Ahcor Werdna
19 august 2011, 05:02
I believe that the easiest way to describe it is that when viewing slimstat. It shows no info. The only thing I can view is the page but no info within slimstat.

Also, I am trying to install roundcube. I have wrote the UrlToolkit info from a post on the hiawatha forum. But i get this error.
suhosin.session.encrypt: NOT OK(is '1', should be '0')

I can not find the .hiawatha file, I'm kinda confused on where it might be and how to turn "suhosin.session.encrypt:" to 0
Hugo Leisink
19 august 2011, 06:09
Do the slimstat_ tables in your Banshee database contain data? Do you have some browser plugins installed which ignore these user statistics plugins?

The error is a RoundCube error, so you should as the RoundCube team about a solution.

A .hiawatha file can be anywhere in your website directory. You should create it manually and fill it with the Hiawatha settings you need.
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