the secure PHP framework



2 december 2010, 09:00
Banshee version: 2.5
PHP version: 5.3
Webserver: Hiawatha V7.4


What kind of tools do you use to develop the Banshee Framework?

Hugo Leisink
2 december 2010, 10:40
I only use Vim ( to write the Banshee code. Oh, and PuTTY to connect to my server.
2 december 2010, 11:00
you got the vim poster as well,,,?

I am trying some of the frameworks that are available and to learn mvc programming. The Banshee Framework and Ruby on Rails caught my eye, but I am not sure which one to start...
Hugo Leisink
2 december 2010, 11:15
Well, what can I say about RoR. It's more of a hype than a serious platform to me. I think it's already on its retour in popularity. PHP is the standard for web application languages and if you ask me, it will always be.
2 december 2010, 11:36
Just like html and css.

I will stick with Banshee and analyse your mvc as my little new php project.
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