the secure PHP framework


Cannot send Traditional Chinese by Contact module

12 may 2010, 14:58

Banshee version: 1.7
PHP version: 5.3.2
Webserver: hiawatha 7.2

My users sent me "Contact" message in Traditional Chinese to my gmail account. However, all the content are converted to "????" (question marks). I also test the "Contact" module myself with the same result. I checked the hiawatha and banshee are in UTF-8. I wonder why it does not sent UTF-8 characters especially Traditional Chinese.

Would you mind telling me how to solve this problem? Thanks.
12 may 2010, 17:15
After further investigation, the Banshee does not support a language that other than English, especially Traditional Chinese. :-(

However, after a quick scanning on the source codes, I have no idea where the problem is. Would you mind telling me how to fix it?

Thank you.
Hugo Leisink
15 may 2010, 10:57
Banshee supports UTF-8. I have no idea what the requirements are to support a language like chinese...
Message preview

The following BB-codes are available in a message:

  • [b]Bold text[/b]
  • [center]Center text or imagen[/center]
  • [color=color name or #RGB code]Colored text[/color]
  • [i]Italic text[/i]
  • [img]Link to image[/img]
  • [right]Align text or image right[/right]
  • [s]Strike-through text[/s]
  • [size=pixelsize]Big or small text[/size]
  • [u]Underlined text[/u]
  • [url]Link to website[/url]
  • [url=link to website]Link text[/url]