the secure PHP framework


24 February 2017, 12:48

In this major release of the Banshee PHP Content Management Framework, the most important changes are:

  • PHP 7-only: Banshee v6.0 requires PHP 7. This dependency can mainly be found in the new error handler and the usage of several PHP 7-only crypto functions.
  • View: The output library has been renamed to 'view', to be more in line with MVC.
  • Namespace: All Banshee libraries use a Banshee namespace to prevent conflicts with third party libraries.
  • New CSRF protection: This version has improved protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery.
  • Composer: You can include third party libraries via Composer.
Joe Schmoe
24 February 2017, 14:06
Downloading now. Excited to try some things out with it.
