the secure PHP framework


Banshee blank page

Nathan Sorensen
13 may 2012, 18:04

Banshee version: 2.1
PHP version: 5.4.0-3
MySQL version: 5.1.61
Webserver: Hiawatha v8.2

I just recently installed Hiawatha and Banshe, assuming that I have everything correct. It simply displays a blank white index page. Any thoughts as to why this may be?
Nathan Sorensen
13 may 2012, 18:30
Disregard, I found the issue and resolved it.
Why not
22 june 2012, 15:45
Why not write how you resolved the issue. :-)
8 july 2012, 02:43
He set his server to use PHP ! If you don't add that to server config, your server will show white page.
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