the secure PHP framework


Greek language

Kapageridis Stavros
8 september 2016, 18:34
Hi Hugo, i had mention the same issue in the past and i can't figure it out. The issue is that i can't create posts, comments with Greek characters. It returns "Message seen as spam". Please check it by yourself by adding a greek word "Δοκιμή" , (it means Test) as a comment it my banshee website at

Hugo Leisink
9 september 2016, 08:14
It's caused by the 'unreadable character check' in libraries/message.php at line 127. Remove that section to make it possible.
Kapageridis Stavros
9 september 2016, 13:53
As always you are right. It need's to restart php5-fpm service too.
Thank you Hugo.
Message preview

The following BB-codes are available in a message:

  • [b]Bold text[/b]
  • [center]Center text or imagen[/center]
  • [color=color name or #RGB code]Colored text[/color]
  • [i]Italic text[/i]
  • [img]Link to image[/img]
  • [right]Align text or image right[/right]
  • [s]Strike-through text[/s]
  • [size=pixelsize]Big or small text[/size]
  • [u]Underlined text[/u]
  • [url]Link to website[/url]
  • [url=link to website]Link text[/url]