the secure PHP framework


FAQ module

26 october 2010, 17:38
Banshee version: 2.4
PHP version: 5
Webserver: Hiawatha v7.3


I have installed Banshee 2.4 but I can't get the faq module to work like the one on your demo site. I added a link to my menu and the faq shows on my local website but I can't administer it. When I click the faq module in website administration I get a blank page...


Hugo Leisink
26 october 2010, 18:06
I'm sorry, but with only a message "it doesn't work" I can't do much. Is the DEBUG_MODE set to 'yes' in settings/website.conf? Did you do some debugging yourself?
26 october 2010, 20:35
No, its okay. I am not a programmer but I found the error. After I viewed my logs (which I should have done in the first place). I found...

PHP Fatal error: Multiple access type modifiers are not allowed in /usr/local/www/banshee/controllers/admin/faq.php on line 56

... then looking at the code on line 56. The word "public" is coded twice. I removed the first one and now its working.
Hugo Leisink
27 october 2010, 09:41
Thanks for letting me know.
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