the secure PHP framework



Hugo Leisink
6 august 2011, 08:57
Make logfiles/actions.log writeable for the webserver via chmod.
Ahcor Werdna
7 august 2011, 00:48
Thank you, that fixed my issue.
I have another question.
I am using the Hiawatha-Monitor, and it isn't displaying any info. I'm sure that I configured it wrong, but back onto my question.
When using "Virtual host" once you add "MonitorRequests = yes" is there anything more I need to add to make Hiawatha-Monitor work correctly?
Sorry but I have another question, and I guess it could be "try&see". i was wondering if "I" could combine both Banshee-PHP-Framework & Hiawatha-Monitor into the same dir, without getting errors, I know that's not in question form, but?
Ahcor Werdna
7 august 2011, 00:57
I apologize, this is the error Hiawatha-Monitor is giving me. When clicking Update hostnames via Hostnames.

/var/www/pp-us/monitor/models/admin/hostname.php on line 15.
Hugo Leisink
7 august 2011, 08:27
You also need to specify the MonitorServer (see this HOWTO).

Banshee and the Monitor in one directory? I don't understand your question. Why would you wanna do that? One would overwrite the other (the Monitor was built with Banshee).

What error are you talking about in your last post?
Ahcor Werdna
7 august 2011, 13:40
The requested page could not be found.
If you believe this is due to a bug in this website, please notify the webmaster. Click here to return to the homepage.

^^The link isn't working.

You answered my question, and I figured. It was just a random thought, nothing more.

This is the error.
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/pp-us/monitor/models/admin/hostname.php on line 15.
I am viewing /admin/hostname and it is a blank page. I setup "Webservers" I get that error, when I click the [Update housrnames]
Ahcor Werdna
7 august 2011, 13:44
Also, SlimStat is giving me error, page not found. Something is up with my Weblog also, I follow these steps. 1: create new weblog>2:save weblog, I receive [404 ERROR]. Any ideas?
Hugo Leisink
9 august 2011, 00:18
What UrlToolkit rule are you using? The one from the installation documentation?
Ahcor Werdna
9 august 2011, 03:19
Yes I am using the "URLToolKit" from the (installation documentation)
Ahcor Werdna
9 august 2011, 16:58
I did a full reinstall of Hiawatha + Banshee-PHP I continue to get the same error for SlimStat. Also I receive random 404 error message when I submit/SAVE. I'm not too sure if this info will help or if it even matters. I am running Debian Lenny on PPC. I followed most if not all of your "installation doc/s & HOWTO." I am trying my best to see if it is something on my end "server config" or who knows. Well thanks again.
Hugo Leisink
9 august 2011, 21:24
Weird. What are the URL's that cause the 404. Do those URL's always cause 404 or do they sometimes also work fine? What happens if you press F5 after a 404?
Ahcor Werdna
10 august 2011, 21:22 >> The requested page could not be found. >> As you can see I have errors, and the front page doesn't show up correctly.

But to answer your question about F5, it refreshes to a blank page.
I get 404 errors when modifying from [ */admin ] it doesn't happen all the time, but "randomly" and it's usually when I use a lot of "characters" ex. [ . < > { } / \ - ]
It seems as if it blocks my "Laptop". I have to run '/etc/init.d/hiawatha restart' on my server, in order to reach the [ */admin ] page, and or my whole site.
Hugo Leisink
11 august 2011, 00:12
Are you sure your server is ok?? Did the compilation of Hiawatha go well?

Remove all the banning options from your configuration file while testing. It could be that Hiawatha is banning you for some reason.
Ahcor Werdna
11 august 2011, 03:18
Yes my server is ok. I took it offline, sorry about that. Yes the compilation finished successful, and thank you for the info.

Okay here is my scenario: ( example )
Fresh Debian Lenny Install
Configure IPTABLES
apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5 ( are there specific php5-** packages that I should install ) ex. php5-cli?
(Then I follow your HOWTO/S)

Hugo Leisink
11 august 2011, 09:21
Try disabling as many options in your virtual host configuration as possible and see if it then works. Enable them one by one to see which option is responsible for the problems.

I'm sorry I can't give you a direct answer. I've used Banshee and Hiawatha myself for a lot of servers and websites. I never had much problems and certainly not the ones you described.
Ahcor Werdna
13 august 2011, 12:55
Thank you for all your help. With the help of you and another I managed to work threw my issues. It was in my php.ini file
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