the secure PHP framework


Database backends?

Martin Eskdale Moen
16 may 2010, 03:43
I can see that banshee has libs for using other DB's, however is there full support through out the code for this or is it a future thing?

Thank you

Banshee version: 1.7
Hugo Leisink
16 may 2010, 08:12
Banshee has support for MySQL, PostreSQL, SQLite and MSSQL. Look in libraries/database for the right drivers. The database object is created in public/index.php and public/ajax.php. Change it there.
Martin Eskdale Moen
16 may 2010, 13:02
Great, thank you.
The mysql dump that is given is just a demo?
Hugo Leisink
16 may 2010, 15:13
The content is for demo, the table structure is needed by Banshee.
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